Bitcraft: New Community MMORPG revealed

bitcraft announced
Antonis Pavlou
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Clockwork Labs has just released key information about BitCraft, their cross-platform community sandbox MMORPG. The game allows players to create their own stories as solo adventurers or as part of a group to build a new civilization within a single editable wilderness. The game will be available for PC first.

The journey of the player begins when they awaken in this mysterious, vast world where all players coexist.

Players can choose how they want to play the game. BitCraft also offers a variety of activities, such as discovering ancient ruins and artifacts or cultivating large cities with friends. BitCraft allows players unparalleled freedom and character progression that allows them to write their own stories.

Bitcraft announcement trailer

Clockwork Labs has also announced that pre-alpha testing will begin this fall. The tests will be done in waves with the aim of gathering feedback from players and testing several core mechanics.

The company also released the first trailer of BitCraft, which was fully recorded in-engine. It coincides with the launch date for pre-alpha signups.

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