Wartune Holy Forge & Patch 3.2 Part II


Antonis Pavlou
Latest posts by Antonis Pavlou (see all)

Champions of Balenor, The long awaited Patch 3.2 Part II is here! Settle in and check out some of the most exciting additions to Wartune yet!

Event Time!

The Holy Forge has opened it’s gates, and events have come spilling out! Hunt down the Master’s Toolkits and Dirty Oily Bags, or take part in the Divinity Force Exchange! There are so many things to check out, click here to learn all about it!

Cross-Server Conflict

Fight for server superiority! Represent your server in an all out Cross-Server Battle event! Preliminaries start on September 21st, so get ready!


They have made a few exciting tweaks to inventory and dungeons. Inventory slot upper volume limits have been increased from 999 to 9999! Also, entering Dragon Invasion a second time now costs no stamina!

There are a ton of other things going on in Wartune too, so stay tuned to the Forum for all the latest info!

These new features, changes, and fixes will help you take your Wartune experience to the next level.

Find out for yourself!


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