World of Warships


Mikey Walker
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World of Warships review

Following the huge success of World of Tanks and the not so huge success of ‘World of Warplanes’ is the latest installment from called World of Warships and this one could prove to be the best of them yet.

Like the other titles, World of Warships is a strategic team vs team online game that is based on historical war machines from the World War II era. While World of Tanks and World of Warplanes were based around tanks and planes respectively, World of Warships rather obviously is based around the many warships that were around at the time.

This includes Cruisers, Destroyers, Battleships, and Aircraft Carriers that all have to work together on their respective teams to come out on top in 12 vs 12 battles.


You will quickly learn that teamwork is the most important thing in World of Warships just as it is in the previous titles. When you land yourself on a poor team it can be very frustrating but when you get a good team and everything goes right, it all makes the experiences on the poor teams worth it.

When you start out you are only able to start with the very basic warships that are in tier 1 but as you earn experience you are able to unlock plenty more as you move up the tiers. There are a number of different weapons and gadgets in the game that you can use from scout planes, torpedoes, jet fighters, and smoke screens as you go about your business trying to win on out on the ocean.

How it Looks

Graphically the game is superb with magnificent detail having been put into each of the ships in the game to ensure that they look historically correct. The controls are also easy to use and the strategy that is involved in the game is absolutely awesome. It really does make you think about what your role is on your team and what you should be doing to aid a victory.


The one problem that I have is that while the game and its many ships look fantastic, only a small percentage of player are ever likely to see them let alone own them. This is because the premium model on WOW is far more aggressive than on its previous titles. This means that if you are not willing to pay money, the grind to get to the very best ships is going to be absolutely insane.

Grinding the first five tiers goes by quickly enough but then the price of ships, ammo, consumables and gadgets all seem to go sky high in price. It will literally take thousands of battles worth of grinding in some cases just to get to the next ship.


Is World of Warships a good game?

In my opinion World of Warships is the finest of the three titles by and if it was not for the over expensive grind would be among my favorite games of all time. Still, if you are happy enough to enjoy your strategy at the lower tiers for quite some time without spending money, you are still going to love this game.

Graphics are superb, the gameplay is almost flawless, and the attention to detail is magnificent. The sense of pride that you get when the effort you have made has contributed to a well-earned team victory is amazing!

Pros of World of Warships

  • Graphically – beautiful.
  • Teamwork is highly encouraged.
  • Massive player base.

Cons of World of Warships

  • Long and expensive grind.
  • Matchmaking still needs a bit of work.

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